get a list of all commit messages for a repo
git log --pretty= format:'%s'
find the nearest parent branch of the current git branch
git show-branch -a | grep '\*' | grep -v ` git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` | head -n1 | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' | sed 's/[\^~].*//'
push changes to an empty git repository for the first time
git push --set-upstream origin master
delete first 10 branches of remote excluding master
git branch -a | grep "remotes/origin" | grep -v master | sed 's/^[ *]*//' | sed 's/remotes\/origin\///' | head -n10 | sed 's/^/git push origin :/'
Remove + and - from start of diff lines
git diff --color | sed "s/^\([^-+ ]*\)[-+ ]/\\1/" | less -r
clear out git hooks
find .git/hooks -type l -exec rm {} \; && find .githooks -type f -exec ln -sf ../../{} .git/hooks/ \;
remove untracked files in a git repository
git status -su | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm
get most modified files and counts
git log --all -M -C --name-only --format= 'format:' " $@ " | sort | grep -v '^$' | uniq -c | sort | awk 'BEGIN {print "count\tfile"} {print $1 "\t" $2}' | sort -g
Locally checkout all remote branches of a repository
git branch -r | cut -d '/' -f2 | grep -Ev '( |master)' | xargs -Ibranch git checkout -b branch origin/branch
Open current Git repository URL
open ` git remote -v | awk '/fetch/{print $2}' | sed -Ee 's##(git@|git://)##http://##' -e 's@com:@com/@' ` | head -n1
Remove Git from current project
find . -name '.git' -exec rm -rf {} \;
Remove all new files
for file in $( git status | grep "new file" | sed "s/##\tnew file://" ) ; do git rm --cached $file ; done
Delete all remote branches
for remote_branch in $( git ls-remote) ; do if [[ $remote_branch = ~ .*( feature/MAGENTA-([ 0 -9| ^130]) .+) .* ]] ; then git push origin :${ BASH_REMATCH [1] } ; fi ; done
Removes all local branch
for branch in $( git branch | grep "feature/MAGENTA-" ) ; do git branch -D $branch ; done
get list of followers from github username
curl -s | grep '\"login\"' | sed -e's/[,|"|:]//g' | awk '{print $(NF)}' | sort
git commit random alias
git config --global alias.commit-random '!git commit -m "$(curl -s"'
usage: git commit-random
get list of users public repos
curl "" -s | sed -En 's|"name": "(.+)",|\1|p' | tr -d ' '
count relevant lines of shell code in a git repo
egrep -v '^\s*($|##)' $( git grep -l '##!/bin/.*sh' *) | wc -l
push all remotes
for i in ` git remote` ; do git push $i ; done ;
cherry-pick range of commits, starting from the tip of 'master', into 'preview' branch
git rev-list --reverse --topo-order master... | while read rev; do git checkout preview; git cherry-pick $rev || break ; done
create tracking branches for all remote branches
git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | perl -ne 'chomp($_); s|^\*?\s*||; if (m|(.+)/(.+)| && not $d{$2}) {print qq(git branch --track $2 $1/$2\n)} else {$d{$_}=1}' | csh -xfs;
git reset newly added files
for f in ` git status | grep new | awk '{print $3}' ` ; do git reset HEAD $f ; done
git reset newly added files
git reset HEAD -- $( git status | awk '/new file:/{print $3}' )
pull latest of all submodules
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
show a git log with offsets relative to HEAD
git log --oneline | nl -v0 | sed 's/^ \+/&HEAD~/'
list offsets from HEAD with git log
o = 0 ; git log --oneline | while read l; do printf "%+9s %s\n" "HEAD~ ${ o } " " $l " ; o = $(( $o + 1 )) ; done | less
diff the last 2 commits
git diff $( git log --pretty= format:%h -2 --reverse | tr "\n" " " )
reset the last modified time for each file in a git repo to its last commit time
git ls-files | while read file; do echo $file ; touch -d $( git log --date= local -1 --format= "@%ct" " $file " ) " $file " ; done
get author and email of a commit
git --no-pager show -s --format= '%an <%ae> on %cd' --date= short { commithash}
git log -i -1 --pretty= "format:%an <%ae>\n" --author= " $1 "
List all files ever existed
git log --pretty= format: --name-status $@ | cut -f2- | sort -u
commit all changes
git add -A && git commit -av
print git commit history
git log --oneline --decorate | nl | sort -nr | nl | sort -nr | cut --fields= 1 ,3 | sed 's/([^)]*)\s//g'
print git commit history
git log --oneline --decorate | tac | nl | tac | sed 's/([^)]*)\s//g'
find the date of the first commit in a repo
git log --pretty= format:'%ad' | tail -1
delete all local git branches that have been merged
git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d
delete all git branches except master
git branch | egrep -v ^master$ | sed 's/^[ *]*//' | sed 's/^/git branch -D /' | bash
delete all git branches except master
git branch | grep -v "master" | sed 's/^[ *]*//' | sed 's/^/git branch -D /' | bash
delete all git branches except master
git checkout master; git branch | sed -e '/master/d' -e 's/^/git branch -D /' | bash
export current repo to zip archive
git archive -o " ${ PWD ####*/ } .zip" HEAD
git log HEAD...origin/master --pretty= oneline | grep pull
remove missing files
git ls-files -d -z | xargs -0 git update-index --remove
list authors of a repo
git shortlog -sn --all | cut -f2 | cut -f1 -d' '
remove file from repo history
git filter-branch -f --tree-filter 'rm -rf' HEAD
list repos by username
curl "" -s | sed -En 's|"name": "(.+)",|\1|p' | awk '{print $1}'
fetch all git remotes for a repo
git branch -r | awk -F'/' '{print "git fetch "$1,$2}' | xargs -I {} sh -c {}
add a tag
git tag -a 1 .2 -m "Version 1.2 Stable"
show which branches are tracking what
git for -each-ref --format= '%(refname:short)' refs/heads/* | while read b; do if r = $( git config --get branch.$b .remote) ; then m = $( git config --get branch.$b .merge) ; echo " $b -> $r / ${ m ####*/ } " ; fi ; done
download all files from a gist without git
curl -L | tar -xvz --strip-components= 1
delete a local branch
delete a remote branch
git push origin --delete branchname
list props for repo
git log -i --grep props | egrep -io 'props (to )?[a-z0-9_\-]*' | sed 's/.* //' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1nr
Undo your last commit, but don't throw away your changes
Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD
git branch -d ` git branch --merged | grep -v '^*' | grep -v 'master' | tr -d '\n' `
credit author on last commit
git commit --amend --author " $1 < $2 >" -C HEAD
Show the diff of everything you haven't pushed yet.
branch = $( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) git diff origin/$branch ..HEAD
determine current branch
git branch | awk '/\*/{print $2}'
check which branches had the latest commits
git for -each-ref --sort= -committerdate --format= '%(refname:short) %(committerdate:short)'
search all commit messages for a string
git rev-list --all | xargs git grep -F 'string'
create a short url
curl -s -F "url=" -i | sed -n 's/Location:.* //p'
find the most verbs used in commit messages
git log --pretty= format:'%s' | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
find the most verbs used in commit messages
git log --oneline | awk '{ print $2; }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
get current author and email of the repo
git log -1 --pretty= "format:%an <%ae>" --author= " $1 "
verify all packed objects and find the 5 biggest ones
git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/*.idx | sort -k 3 -n | tail -5
for t in ` git tag` do ; git push origin :$t ; git tag -d $t ; done
compress all repos
find . -path '*.git/config' -execdir git gc --aggressive \;
remove .DS_Store from the repository you happen to staging by mistake
find . -name .DS_Store -exec git rm --ignore-unmatch --cached {} +
Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD.
git branch -d ` git branch --merged | grep -v '^*' | grep -v 'master' | tr -d '\n' `
Credit an author on the last commit
git commit --amend --author "John Doe <>" -C HEAD
pretty git log
git log --graph --pretty= format:'%Cred%h%Creset %an: %s - %Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date= relative
delete local files that have been removed from git repo
git status | grep deleted | awk '{\$1=\$2=\"\"; print \$0}' | perl -pe 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/ /\\\\ /g' | xargs git rm
list all files ever added to a git repo
git log --name-status --oneline --all | grep -P "^[A|M|D]\s" | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq
get current branch
git branch | grep "^*" | sed 's/* //g'
stage manually deleted files
git status | grep deleted | sed 's/deleted://g' | sed 's/[##| ]//g' | xargs git rm
show path to the root of the repo
git rev-parse --show-toplevel
recommit last commit
LAST_MESSAGE = ` git log -1 --pretty= "format:%s" ` ; git commit -m " $LAST_MESSAGE " --amend --date "`date`"
Get a list of all TODO/FIXME tasks left to be done in your project
alias tasks = 'grep --exclude-dir=.git -rEI "TODO|FIXME" . 2>/dev/null'
edit your gitignore from anywhere in your repo
vim $( git rev-parse --show-toplevel) /.gitignore
simple single-lined git log
git log --pretty= oneline --abbrev-commit
Lint Git unstaged PHP files
git status -s | grep -o ' \S*php$' | while read f; do php -l $f ; done
100% rollback files to a specific revision
git reset --hard <commidId> && git clean -f
Print out the contents of a Git repository (useful for broken repositories)
find .git/objects -type f -printf "%P\n" | sed s,/,, | while read object; do echo "=== $obj $( git cat-file -t $object ) ===" ; git cat-file -p $object ; done
Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches
git for -each-ref --sort= '-authordate' --format= '%(refname)%09%(authordate)' refs/heads | sed -e 's-refs/heads/--'
git log with color and path
alias gitlog = 'git log -10 --graph --date-order -C -M --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)%ad%C(reset) - %C(dim yellow)%an%C(reset) %C(bold red)>%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold red)%d%C(reset) " --abbrev-commit --date=short'
open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository
git status --porcelain | sed -ne 's/^ M //p' | tr '\n' '\0' | tr -d '"' | xargs -0 vim
open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository
vim ` git status --porcelain | sed -ne 's/^ M //p' `
open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository
vim ` git status | grep modified | awk '{print $3}' `
open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository
vim -p ` git --porcelain | awk { print $2 } `
stage all manually deleted files
for x in ` git status | grep deleted | awk '{print $3}' ` ; do git rm $x ; done
generate file list modified since last commit and export to tar file
git diff-tree -z -r --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter= ACMRT COMMID_HASH | xargs -0 tar -rf list.tar
export unpushed files list
git log -z origin/master..master --name-only --pretty= "format:" | sort -zu | xargs -0 tar -rf list.tar
Count the lines of each file extenion in a list of files
git ls-files | xargs wc -l | awk -F ' +|\\.|/' '{ sumlines[$NF] += $2 } END { for (ext in sumlines) print ext, sumlines[ext] }'
Show git commit history
git reflog show | grep '}: commit' | nl | sort -nr | nl | sort -nr | cut --fields= 1 ,3 | sed s/commit://g | sed -e 's/HEAD*@{[0-9]*}://g'
Restore deleted file from GIT repository
git checkout $( git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- " $file " ) ^ -- " $file "
Number of commits per day in a git repo
git log | grep Date | awk '{print " : "$4" "$3" "$6}' | uniq -c
Remove git branches that do not have a rmote tracking branch anymore
git branch -r | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v -f /dev/fd/0 <( git branch -vv | grep origin) | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -d
Remove .git dirs
find . -name ".git" -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
Top Ten of the most active committers in git repositories
git shortlog -s | sort -rn | head
git - create a local branch that tracks with the remote branch
git checkout -tb mybranch origin/mybranch
Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository
git ls-files | xargs -n1 git blame --line-porcelain | sed -n 's/^author //p' | sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -nr
Git Tree Command with color and tag/branch name
git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate --color
Open the current project on Github by typing gh
git remote -v | grep fetch | sed 's/\(.*\)[:|/]\(.*\).git (fetch)/\2/' | awk { 'print "" $1' } | xargs open
Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches
for k in $( git branch | sed /\* /d) ; do echo " $( git log -1 --pretty= format:"%ct" $k ) $k " ; done | sort -r | awk '{print $2}'
Update (pull commits from) all submodules
git submodule foreach git pull --ff-only origin master
commit message generator -
Create tarball of files modified in git
tar czf git_mods_circa_dec23.tgz --files-from <( git ls-files -m)
Sequential revision numbers in Git
git rev-list --reverse HEAD | awk "/ $( git log -n 1 --pretty= "format:%h" ) / {print NR}"
commit message generator -
curl -s '' | grep '<p>' | cut -c4-
Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches
for k in ` git branch| sed s/^..//` ; do echo -e ` git log -1 --pretty= format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" " $k " --` \\ t" $k " ; done | sort
git Output remote origin from within a local repository
git config --local --get remote.origin.url
delete local and remote git repos if merged into local master
git branch | cut -c3- | grep -v "^master $" | while read line; do git branch -d $line ; done | grep 'Deleted branch' | awk '{print $3;}' | while read line; do git push <target_remote> :$line ; done
Using Git, stage all manually deleted files.
Pull git submodules in parallel using GNU parallel
parallel -j4 cd {} \; pwd\; git pull :::: <( git submodule status | awk '{print $2}' )
bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox
git archive HEAD | gzip > ~/Dropbox/archive.tar.gz
Push each of your local git branches to the remote repository
Deleting a remote git branch (say, by name 'featureless')
git push origin :featureless
git-rm for all deleted files, including those with space/quote/unprintable characters in their filename/path
git ls-files -z -d | xargs -0 git rm --
GIT: list unpushed commits
git log --oneline <REMOTE>..<LOCAL BRANCH>
commit message generator -
lynx -dump -nolist| sed -n 2p
commit message generator -
curl -s | html2text | sed '$d'
commit message generator -
curl -s | sed -n '/<p>/,/<\/p>/p' | sed '$d' | sed 's/<p>//'
telling you from where your commit come from
function where(){ COUNT = 0 ; while [ ` where_arg $1 ~$COUNT | wc -w` == 0 ] ; do let COUNT = COUNT+1; done ; echo " $1 is ahead of " ; where_arg $1 ~$COUNT ; echo "by $COUNT commits" ; } ; function where_arg(){ git log $@ --decorate -1 | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f3- ; }
Show the changed files in your GIT repo
git status | perl -F'\s' -nale 'BEGIN { $a = 0 }; $a = 1 if $_ =~ /changed but not updated/i; print $F[-1] if ( $a && -f $F[-1] )'
Search git repo for specified string
git grep "search for something" $( git log -g --pretty= format:%h -S"search for something" )
Get first Git commit hash
git log --pretty= format:%H | tail -1
Get first Git commit hash
git log --format= %H | tail -1
List all authors of a particular git project
git log --format= '%aN <%aE>' | awk '{arr[$0]++} END{for (i in arr){print arr[i], i;}}' | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2-
See all the commits for which searchstring appear in the git diff
git log -p -z | perl -ln0e 'print if /[+-].*searchedstring/'
List every file that has ever existed in a git repository
git log --all --pretty= format:" " --name-only | sort -u
git pull all repos
find ~ -maxdepth 2 -name .git -print | while read repo; do cd $( dirname $repo ) ; git pull; done
Add .gitignore files to all empty directories recursively from your current directory
find . \( -type d -empty \) -and \( -not -regex ./\. git.* \) -exec touch {} /.gitignore \;
git log --graph --pretty= oneline --decorate
List all authors of a particular git project
git log --format= '%aN' | sort -u
List all authors of a particular git project
git shortlog -s | cut -c8-
Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches
for k in ` git branch| sed s/^..//` ; do echo -e ` git log -1 --pretty= format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" " $k " ` \\ t" $k " ; done | sort
Move all files untracked by git into a directory
git clean -n | sed 's/Would remove //; /Would not remove/d;' | xargs mv -t stuff/
Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository
git ls-files | while read i; do git blame $i | sed -e 's/^[^(]*(//' -e 's/^\([^[:digit:]]*\)[[:space:]]\+[[:digit:]].*/\1/' ; done | sort | uniq -ic | sort -nr
Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository
git ls-files | xargs -n1 -d'\n' -i git-blame {} | perl -n -e '/\s\((.*?)\s[0-9]{4}/ && print "$1\n"' | sort -f | uniq -c -w3 | sort -r
Makes a project directory, unless it exists; changes into the dir, and creates an empty git repository, all in one command
gitstart () { if ! [[ -d " $@ " ]] ; then mkdir -p " $@ " && cd " $@ " && git init; else cd " $@ " && git init; fi }
git Revert files with changed mode, not content
git diff --numstat | awk '{if ($1 == "0" && $2 == "0") print $3}' | xargs git checkout HEAD
Show changed files, ignoring permission, date and whitespace changes
git diff --numstat -w --no-abbrev | perl -a -ne '$F[0] != 0 && $F[1] !=0 && print $F[2] . "\n";'
Show (only) list of files changed by commit
git show --relative --pretty= format:'' --name-only HASH
Stage only portions of the changes to a file.
git add --patch <filename>
Show log message including which files changed for a given commit in git.
git --no-pager whatchanged -1 --pretty= medium <commit_hash>
search string in all revisions
for i in ` git log --all --oneline --format= %h` ; do git grep SOME_STRING $i ; done
git remove files which have been deleted
git ls-files -z --deleted | xargs -0 git rm
Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches
for k in ` git branch| perl -pe s/^..//` ; do echo -e ` git show --pretty= format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" $k | head -n 1 ` \\ t$k ; done | sort -r
add forgotten changes to the last git commit
git remove files which have been deleted
git rm $( git ls-files --deleted)
git diff of files that have been staged ie 'git add'ed
add untracked/changed items to a git repository before doing a commit and/or sending upstream
git status| awk '/modified:/ { printf("git add %s\n",$3) }; NF ==2 { printf("git add %s\n",$2) }' | sh
Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
git config alias.dcolor "diff --color-words"
Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
git diff -U10| dwdiff --diff-input -c| less -R
Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
git diff -U10 | wdiff --diff-input -a -n -w $'\e[1;91m' -x $'\e[0m' -y $'\e[1;94m' -z $'\e[0m' | less -R
Count git commits since specific commit
git log --pretty= oneline b56b83.. | wc -l
Count git commits since specific commit
git log --summary 223286b.. | grep 'Author:' | wc -l
Execute git submodule update in parallel with xargs
git submodule status | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -P5 -n1 git submodule update --init
Incorporating a finished feature on develop
git checkout develop; git merge --no-ff myfeature
Creating a feature branch
git checkout -b myfeature develop
My Git Tree Command!
git log --graph --oneline --all
show git logging
Create a git archive of the latest commit with revision number as name of file
git archive HEAD --format= zip -o ` git rev-parse HEAD` .zip
List files under current directory, ignoring repository copies.
function have_here { find " ${ @ :- . } " -type d \( -name .git -o -name .svn -o -name .bzr -o -name CVS -o -name .hg -o -name __pycache__ \) -prune -o -type f -print; }
revert the unstaged modifications in a git working directory
git diff | git apply --reverse
commit message generator
curl -s | tr -s '\n' ' ' | grep -so 'p>\(.*\)</p' | sed -n 's/..\(.*\)..../\1/p'
random git commit message
git-random(){ gitRan = $( curl -L -s | grep -A 1 "\"c" | tail -1 | sed 's/<p>//' ) ; git commit -m " $gitRan " ; }
rename a branch
git branch -m old_branch new_branch
set upstream for existing branch
git branch --set-upstream <branch> <remote>/<branch>
checkout remote branch
git checkout -b test origin/test
pretty git commit log
git log --pretty= format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date= short
make git HEAD same as origin/master
git reset --hard origin/master
delete a remote branch
git push origin :heads/branch_name
revert uncommited git changes
add .gitignore to enable add empty directory to git
for i in $( find . -type d -regex `` ./[ ^.] .*'' -empty) ; do touch $i "/.gitignore" ; done ;
list files between git commits
git diff --name-only 4ce07ee 7cdf78b
list all branches
install a new git repo
function gitinstall(){ git init; git remote add origin " $@ " ; git config branch.master.remote origin; git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master; git pull; }
git recursive rm
git ls-files -d -z | xargs -0 git update-index --remove
undo last git commit
find deleted stashes and other lost commits in git
git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}'
git apply patch
git format-patch -k --stdout rev1-1..rev2 | git am -k -3
git cat
git cat-file -p $( git ls-tree $1 " $2 " | cut -d " " -f 3 | cut -f 1 )
list unmerged files
git ls-files -u| awk '{print $4}' | sort -u
list added files in the index
git diff-index HEAD| awk '{print $5 " " $6}' | sed -n -e's/^A //p'
print number of modified files
git status --porcelain | cut -c 1 -2 | grep M | wc -l | tr -d " "
show all remote git branches
fancy git prompt
parse_git_branch() { git branch 2 > /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(git::\1)/' }
export PS1 = "\[\033]0;\h \w \$(parse_git_branch) \007\][\[\033[01;35m\]\h \[\033[01;34m\]\w \[\033[31m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\]] $ "
Recursively remove all untracked files in the tree.
throw out all of your changes to existing files, but not new ones
remove file from staging area
see diff of files in staging area
see tracked files
see a branch graph
see list of deleted files
restore all deleted files
git ls-files -d | xargs git checkout --
view commits not yet pushed to remote
git log --branches --not --remotes
difference between two branches
git diff --stat --color master..branch
see a list of all objects
git rev-list --objects --all
remove file from index
git rm --cached filename.txt
February 10, 2025 16:44:47